Education for Ministry (EfM) is a program of “theological education at a distance” administered by the School of Theology of the University of the South, Sewanee, TN. The components of an EfM Group are: becoming and maintaining a nurturing, effective learning community, reading and discussing the EfM texts, worshipping together, and doing theological reflection. The program covers the basics of the Old and New Testaments, church history, liturgy, ethics, and theology. The program is designed to help persons be more effective in their lay ministries. Although the program runs for four years, prospective group members commit for only one year at a time. The next opening for new students will be in August 2016.
Kathy Smith and Clay Smith were the Co-Mentors the Group. You can find out more by contacting Clay phone (352) 335-9171, email:; For a student’s perspective of the program, talk to any EfM graduates at St. Joseph’s: Margaret James, Barbara Lauer, James McMannis, Geoff O’Meara, Jan Walker, Peggi Young.