Join us when you can and as you are
Activities and worship at St. Joseph’s are open to everyone, regardless of formal membership.
If you would like to be placed on the parish mailing list, simply contact the parish office at 352-472-2951 or fill out a Response Card and place it in the offering plate during the Offertory.
The email newsletter includes news of parish activities and programs.
If you have been confirmed in another Episcopal church, you may request a Letter of Transfer by asking the church office to write to your former congregation requesting a letter of transfer.
If you have not received baptism you can become an active member of this parish by baptism.
Those who have not been confirmed are encouraged to consider this Sacramental Rite, which involves a renewal of vows made at baptism, special prayers, and a laying on of hands by the Bishop.
The Episcopal Church recognizes confirmation by a Bishop in the Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran Church, or the Orthodox Church. Those who have already received confirmation in one of these churches are welcomed by our bishop through a rite of reception. Those seeking confirmation or reception are encouraged to attend an Inquirer’s Class.